Range Ready Photo Shoot
All over the web, there are plenty of pictures of girls and guns. But not too often is fashion infused into the setting. Here, we took our own approach to a fashion-forward photo shoot set at indoor gun range. Collaborating with a strong team made this all possible. Take one extremely talented fashion and lifestyle photographer, add two beautiful gun-enthusiasts, mix in the right combination of guns, and top off with an exciting new collection of gun-inspired fine jewelry, and you wind up with this exciting photo collection to enhance the story that we, Joe Wall Design, are writing.
Joe Wall is the ONLY source of fine jewelry inspired by firearm designs. From gun designer to jewelry designer, Joe is bringing you closer to the inner working of guns to see their true beauty. By understanding guns, they become less threatening. No one should be afraid of gun. On the contrary, proper respect for and training with guns can build your Confidence and Mental Toughness. Other descriptors that I see, and feel are: Bold. Empowering. Strength. Independent. Fierce. Grit. Sass. Swagger. Joy. Self-Awareness.
Your personal style impacts the way others perceive you. Fine jewelry inspired by the things you love enhance your personal style. Walk with confidence knowing you can handle a gun, and are not afraid to show it.
How will you feel when you wear one of Joe Wall’s designs?
Check out the collection below.
Meet the Team
Photographer: Jay B IG: @the1jbshoots7
Kylie Durand: @littlepistol_ink
Ashley Davenport @ashli_davenport
Location: Bill Boyds Tackle and Gun Shop